UK drink law changes 'close to lunacy'

Judges in England and Wales have warned ministers to expect a huge increase in rapes, domestic violence and serious assaults …

Judges in England and Wales have warned ministers to expect a huge increase in rapes, domestic violence and serious assaults as a result of the relaxation of drinking laws.

The warning comes a day after it was revealed police chiefs fear British town centres may resemble infamous holiday party spots like Faliraki in Greece, when new licensing laws come in.

Senior judges told the Home Office to expect incidences of alcohol-fuelled violent crime to soar when the traditional 11pm closing time ends in November.

A paper from the Council of Her Majesty's Circuit Judges said: "Those who routinely see the consequences of drink-fuelled violence in offences of rape, grievous bodily harm and worse on a daily basis are in no doubt that an escalation of offences of this nature will inevitably be caused by the relaxation of liquor licensing which the Government has now authorised."


Judge Charles Harris, QC, a member of the Council of Circuit Judges, said the situation was already grave "if not grotesque" and making drinking facilities more widely available "is close to lunacy".

Writing in The Times, he said it was rare for violent offences he sits before in the criminal courts to be committed by someone who had not been drinking.

After consuming up to 12 pints in a night often people fight in pubs, he wrote.

"If not, they roam the streets in malign, short-fused and generalised hostility, until some victim presents himself."

He said once drunk these people are "simply savages, angry, blind and brutal".

"They are so ill educated or made crude by inadequately civilising influences in their homes that they seem unable to drink in an acceptable "continental" fashion," he wrote.