UK's Prescott hints at May general election

British Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has hinted that May 5th is the most likely date for the general election in which…

British Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has hinted that May 5th is the most likely date for the general election in which the Labour Party is expected to win a third term.

Prime Minister Tony Blair can call an election whenever he wants, as long as it is within five years of the last one.

Most analysts and pollsters have predicted a vote on May 5th, not least as local elections take place then.

"May the 5th is the focus of the election date - for the county council elections of course," Mr Prescott told party supporters today at what is expected to be the last conference before the poll.


"But if anything else comes along on that day, we're ready for it, are we not?" he said.

Polls point to victory for Mr Blair, although with a reduced parliamentary majority after eight years in power.

Labour is campaigning on economic issues and says it will improve schools and hospitals as well as tackling crime as it tries to put Mr Blair's unpopularity over the Iraq war behind it.