UK to show proposal to scrap A-levels

UK: British government proposals to scrap existing A-levels and GCSEs and replace them with a diploma are expected to be unveiled…

UK: British government proposals to scrap existing A-levels and GCSEs and replace them with a diploma are expected to be unveiled today in the most radical plans for reforming education in more than 50 years.

Former chief schools' inspector Mr Mike Tomlinson will publish his long-awaited report into aged 14-19 education, and is expected to recommend a major shake-up.

His proposals are expected to include less external testing for students, and more emphasis on work-related courses.

The plans, drawn up by Mr Tomlinson's working group, are thought to have support from all the main political parties.


Education Secretary Mr Charles Clarke has promised the report will herald "fundamental" changes to the system.

However, he stressed that the reforms would take 10 years to implement.

For the Conservatives, who unveil their own plans today, the shadow education secretary, Mr Tim Collins, said he welcomed many of the expected recommendations.

However, he said the Conservatives would ensure that the top grade at A-level was only awarded to the brightest pupils.

"We should go back to the system that we had until 20 years ago, whereby you can only get an A grade if you are in the top five or 10 per cent by ability in that year group," he told the BBC1 Breakfast with Frost programme.

"When you moved away from that, you moved away from the gold standard. It was a mistake that we made in office. I think it needs to be reversed."

Liberal Democrat education spokesman Mr Phil Willis said it was important the Tomlinson report addressed the issue of vocational training. "The Tomlinson recommendations must be more than a shiny wrapper on an old chocolate bar."