UN Kosovo head in polls ban

Pristina - Kosovo's UN administrator said yesterday he would not allow Yugoslav federal elections to be organised in public buildings…

Pristina - Kosovo's UN administrator said yesterday he would not allow Yugoslav federal elections to be organised in public buildings in the Serbian province.

Asked if he would allow Serbs to open polling stations in the province under de facto international control, Mr Bernard Kouchner, head of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), said: "No, certainly not. Not in the public buildings, not officially, absolutely not . . . I'm in charge of law and order, I don't want any lack of security."

Meanwhile, in Sofia, the UN's chief war crimes prosecutor for the former Yugoslavia said yesterday she was confident of securing a life sentence for the Yugoslav President, Mr Slobodan Milosevic - if he is ever brought to trial. Ms Carla del Ponte was speaking during a visit to the Bulgarian capital.