UN Security Council facing Iran impasse

The United States, Britain and France will move the Iran crisis to the full United Nations Security Council today after failing…

The United States, Britain and France will move the Iran crisis to the full United Nations Security Council today after failing to get support from Russia and China for proposals to rein in Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

At issue is a British-French draft of a council statement that would call on Iran to suspend uranium enrichment efforts, which the West believes are a cover for bomb making, and obtain a progress report from the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency in a short period of time.

The talks on Tuesday among the 15-nation Security Council at France's mission to the United Nations are scheduled several hours after the five veto-holding permanent council members meet again in an effort to find a compromise on the text.

"We're trying to hold the perm five together," US Ambassador John Bolton said yesterday, after the third session among the five ended without agreement.


"But reality is reality and time is an important factor given the Iranians continue to progress toward overcoming their technological difficulties" in enriching uranium, Bolton told reporters.

If the split continues, the Western powers may decide to drop the idea of a Security Council statement, which requires the consent of all 15 members. Instead they are considering putting a resolution to a vote and force Russia and China to abstain or veto, thereby breaking any semblance of unity.

Russia and China have been uneasy about involving the Security Council, which has the authority to impose sanctions, and want the IAEA to retain control.

The United States wants Mohamed ElBaradei, the director-general of the IAEA, to report to the council within 14 days on Iran's compliance. Russia and China prefer a six-week deadline and want the report to go to the IAEA rather than to the Security Council, the envoys said.