UN to approve Holocaust commemoration day

Israel has introduced a resolution to the United Nations General Assembly that designates January 27th as an annual commemoration…

Israel has introduced a resolution to the United Nations General Assembly that designates January 27th as an annual commemoration day for the six million Jews and other victims murdered in the Nazi Holocaust.

The measure, expected to be approved by consensus today, rejects any denial that the Holocaust took place. It also urges members to "inculcate" future generations with the lessons on the genocide so it would not be repeated in the future.

"I feel moved and privileged to present this historic resolution today, as an Israeli, a Jew, a human being and the child of Holocaust victims," Israel's UN ambassador, Dan Gillerman, told the 191-member General Assembly.

The resolution asks all countries to reject any full or partial denial of the Holocaust and condemn "all manifestations of religious intolerance, incitement, harassment or violence against persons or communities based on ethnic origin or religious belief, wherever they occur."


The resolution - first proposed by the United States, Israel, Russia, Australia and Canada - was co-sponsored by nearly 100 nations.