Unfair dismissal appeal case settled

THE FORMER partner of a solicitor has settled a Circuit Civil Court challenge against the rejection by the Employment Appeals…

THE FORMER partner of a solicitor has settled a Circuit Civil Court challenge against the rejection by the Employment Appeals Tribunal of her unfair dismissal claim.

Yvonne Donnelly (44) last year unsuccessfully sued Thomas Mannion (53) for compensation for unfair dismissal.

She claimed she had been dismissed as an employee in his practice in February 2006 after she discovered he had been in a sexual relationship with his secretary. She told the tribunal she had worked part time for Mr Mannion between 1994 and 2005 as a part-time secretary and "go-for".

Mr Mannion, College Park Way, Dundrum, Dublin, who practices as a solicitor at Taney Road, Dundrum, had denied he had gainfully employed her in his business.


By a 2-1 margin, the tribunal concluded that a contract of employment had not existed and that it had no jurisdiction to hear the case. Ms Donnelly appealed the decision to the Circuit Civil Court.

Judge Miriam Reynolds was told yesterday there were ongoing settlement talks between the parties. Following talks lasting almost two hours, Conor Bowman, counsel for Ms Donnelly, said the matter had been resolved.