'Unhelpful' to exclude Sinn Fein

Seanad report/Jimmy Walsh: It was unhelpful to suggest that Sinn Féin should not be allowed to participate in government even…

Seanad report/Jimmy Walsh: It was unhelpful to suggest that Sinn Féin should not be allowed to participate in government even if paramilitarism in all its forms ceased, Dr Martin Mansergh (FF) said.

He was reacting to comments by Mr Brian Hayes, Fine Gael leader in the House, who said many members of Fianna Fáil had been shocked by the statement of the Minister for Foreign Affairs that Fianna Fáil might "do a deal with the IRA after the next election".

"I know you want to ditch the Progressive Democrats as soon as possible and produce a new partner," Mr Hayes said, "but the Irish people do not want Sinn Féin in government for a long period of time. They do not want that political party in office for a long political period of time."