Union warns of threat to off-site weddings in July

THERE MAY be dozens of disappointed brides this summer, as off-site weddings planned for next month are in danger due to staff…

THERE MAY be dozens of disappointed brides this summer, as off-site weddings planned for next month are in danger due to staff shortages, the union Impact warned yesterday.

Some 200 civil weddings booked in Cos Dublin, Kildare and Wicklow from July 1st may be in jeopardy because of a shortfall in civil registration staff, the union said.

It claimed a total of 63.5 staff had been agreed for the service, but the 9.5 extra staff needed to provide the service in venues like hotels and castles had not been recruited.

However, the Health Service Executive (HSE) yesterday said there were no plans to cancel or defer scheduled appointments, refuting claims that staffing issues threaten forthcoming weddings.


The new procedures allowing weddings to take place outside registry offices came into force on November 5th, 2007.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times