Unofficial strike disrupts Athlone bus services

Bus Éireann services in Athlone town were disrupted for a time this morning after a number of drivers called an unofficial strike…

Bus Éireann services in Athlone town were disrupted for a time this morning after a number of drivers called an unofficial strike.

The drivers are understood to have been protesting about what they consider to be a lack of buses in the fleet in Athlone. They mounted as a small picket at the town's bus station and depot, which caused disruption to the Athlone town service and some inter-city services.

A spokeswoman for the company denied there was a problem with the number of buses in the fleet. "There are more than enough buses to service the full timetable," she said, adding that Bus Éireann was taking a dim view of the action.

Services returned to normal shortly after 11am.

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist