US aims to send up to 30,000 extra troops to Afghanistan

THE UNITED STATES is aiming to send 20,000 to 30,000 extra troops to Afghanistan by the beginning of next summer, the chairman…

THE UNITED STATES is aiming to send 20,000 to 30,000 extra troops to Afghanistan by the beginning of next summer, the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff said on Saturday.

Washington is already sending some 3,000 extra troops in January and another 2,800 by spring, but officials previously have said the number would be made up to 20,000 in the next 12 to 18 months, once approved by the US administration.

"Some 20,000 to 30,000 is the window of overall increase from where we are right now. I don't have an exact number," Admiral Mike Mullen told reporters in Kabul. "We've agreed on the requirement and so it's really clear to me we're going to fill that requirement so it's not a matter of if, but when. We're looking to get them here in the spring, but certainly by the beginning of summer at the latest."

US army general David McKiernan, the commander of international forces in Afghanistan, has asked for the extra troops to combat a growing Taliban insurgency in the east and south of Afghanistan.


US president-elect Barack Obama has pledged a renewed focus on Afghanistan, where US-led forces toppled the Taliban government in late 2001 after the September 11th attacks.

The US now has some 31,000 troops in Afghanistan.

After the January deployment, most of the reinforcements are to be sent to southern Afghanistan to bolster mainly British, Canadian and Dutch troops who have suffered heavy casualties in the last two years fighting in the Taliban heartland.

"That's where the toughest fight is," Admiral Mullen said.

"When we get additional troops here, I think the violence level is going to go up. The fight will be tougher." He said beefing up US forces in Afghanistan was linked to winding down in Iraq.

Admiral Mullen said the attacks by Islamist militants in Mumbai last month showed the need to reduce Indian tensions with Pakistan and that would help bring stability to Afghanistan. "That's another big piece of the strategy, what I would call regional focus, to include Pakistan, Afghanistan and India . . . leadership in all three of those countries to figure out a way to decrease tensions, not increase tensions," he said.

Admiral Mullen said the late arrival of winter meant there were still militants from the tribal belt along the Pakistani side of the border. He added that more must be done to boost economic development in Afghanistan and to make the Afghan government more effective. - (Reuters)