US anti-war campaigner Sheehan to meet TDs

US anti-war campaigner Cindy Sheehan is to meet TDs and Senators outside Leinster House in Dublin today.

US anti-war campaigner Cindy Sheehan is to meet TDs and Senators outside Leinster House in Dublin today.

Dubbed the "peace mom" by the media, Ms Sheehan's son, Casey (24), was killed in Iraq in April 2004.

She made international headlines during the summer when she set up permanent camp outside President Bush's Texas ranch to protest over US troops remaining in Iraq.

She won massive publicity and galvanised support for the anti-war movement.


Ms Sheehan will today meet Green Party chairman John Gormley, Sinn Féin TD Aengus Ó'Snodaigh and Senator David Norris outside the Dáil.

The Californian will also speak at a public meeting at Dublin's Belvedere College tonight with Rose Gentle, the mother of a British soldier killed in Iraq.