US biotech firms on 'matchmaking' mission to Ireland

The first US Biohparma trade mission to Ireland is in Dublin this week with the aim of forging stronger business relationships…

The first US Biohparma trade mission to Ireland is in Dublin this week with the aim of forging stronger business relationships between Ireland and the US.

As part of the mission's visit, thirteen of the top US bio-pharma contacts will meet with 21 Irish biotechnology companies in a half-day 'matchmaking' session designed by Enterprise Ireland to further commercial and research relations.

Organised by Enterprise Ireland, The 'matchmaking' process, will facilitate over 140 individual meetings between potential business and research partners over a four-hour period.

Participants include senior level executives from US corporations, such as Pfizer, Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, & Biogen, as well as the National Institutes of Health, Cornell University and Rice University.


Enterprise Ireland's Ms Marina Donohoe said that Ireland is recognised as one of the top 25 global locations for biotechnology. Ms Donohoe said there were 41 biotechnology companies in Ireland and that the mission should forge a closer bond and lead to even joint venture between between Irish companies and their US counterparts.

Ms Donohoe said the mission is part of a comprehensive strategy to support the indigenous biotech sector through initiatives in Ireland and overseas. The overseas strategy is focused on identifying key sales, partnering and research opportunities for Enterprise Ireland's clients, she said.

"The US is a key market for the Irish biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry given its market size and its position as a leader worldwide in the industry," she said.