US plans covert missions against al-Qaeda

The Pentagon plans to put the US military's elite Special Operations Command in charge of most anti-terrorist actions around …

The Pentagon plans to put the US military's elite Special Operations Command in charge of most anti-terrorist actions around the world in a shift to a more covert war against al-Qaeda, US officials said yesterday.

The command includes shadowy and highly trained special forces troops and counter-terrorism units that can conduct "snatch" or "kill" missions, among them navy SEALs and the army's Delta Force.

The officials said as many as 500 Special Operation troops had been moved recently to a base at Djibouti in east Africa for possible missions against al-Qaeda guerrillas believed to be hiding throughout the region, especially in Yemen. "We have been looking at that part of the world for many months. It's obvious that al-Qaeda - including terrorists who have run from Afghanistan - are there," said one of the officials, who asked not to be identified.

"They [the forces\] are waiting for specific intelligence," said another.


The officials, confirming a report yesterday in the Washington Post on the new Special Operations Command responsibilities, said CIA paramilitary units - which have operated with Special Operations forces in Afghanistan - are expected to work closely with them worldwide.

The Pentagon says that senior leaders and other guerrillas of fugitive Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, blamed by Washington for last year's September 11th attacks, have fled from Afghanistan to neighbouring Pakistan and are also believed to be hiding in Yemen, Sudan, Georgia, Chechnya and other countries.

The Washington Post reported that Defence Secretary Mr Donald Rumsfeld was dissatisfied with the progress against terrorism by US military commands around the world and had decided to consolidate more control in the hands of the Special Operations Command, which is based in Tampa, Florida.

The command is headed by Air Force Gen Charles Holland and the Post said Gen Holland had already been given direct responsibility for the hunt for al-Qaeda in Yemen and Pakistan.

ABC News reported on Monday night that Special Operations troops had been moved to the Djibouti base and that the US Navy assault ship Belleau Wood was sailing off the region with attack helicopters.

US officials confirmed Djibouti could be used as a jumping-off point for quick and clandestine strikes in that part of the world.

The New York Times reported that any strikes from Djibouti into Yemen could seek those responsible for the October 2000 explosives attack on the destroyer USS Cole in the Aden harbour in Yemen.

It said the FBI was deeply disappointed with co-operation from the Yemeni government in that case.

The Post said the move to centre the military fight against terrorism in the Special Operations Command was moving ahead quickly.

The paper said the command was under orders to develop plans over the next few weeks for worldwide operations.

Defence Department spokeswoman Ms Victoria Clarke told the Post that the Special Operations Command would at times be given greater responsibility for operations but it was incorrect to say "henceforth that SOCOM would be the supported command". - (Reuters)