US troops who shot Italian were for envoy security

US troops who mistakenly killed an Italian secret agent in Iraq fired from a checkpoint set up to boost security for the US ambassador…

US troops who mistakenly killed an Italian secret agent in Iraq fired from a checkpoint set up to boost security for the US ambassador who was on his way to dinner with a general, a US official said today.

A US embassy spokesman said Ambassador John Negroponte was travelling on the airport road to meet General George Casey, commander of multinational forces in Iraq, at a US base next to Baghdad airport.

US soldiers killed intelligence agent Nicola Calipari on the road to Baghdad airport last Friday as he threw his body over freed Italian hostage Giuliana Sgrena to protect her from a hail of bullets. She was wounded.

Mr Callahan said Mr Negroponte usually travelled to the airport by helicopter but a hailstorm forced him to go by motorcade.


"The ambassador travelled past the checkpoint at about 7.30pm that night and I believe the shooting took place later," he said.

The US military says the Italian car was speeding towards the checkpoint and ignored warning shots, an explanation rejected by Italian government ministers and the driver of the car.

Ms Sgrena has said US forces may have deliberately targeted her because Washington opposed Italy's policy of dealing with kidnappers. US officials called that claim absurd and said it was a tragic accident.

The shooting has sparked tension between Italy and the United States and put pressure on Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to take a hard line with President George W. Bush, who has promised a full investigation.