US visitors numbers for St Patrick's weekend down

Chief Executive of the Irish Hotels Federation Mr John Power today said the number of US tour groups visiting Ireland for the…

Chief Executive of the Irish Hotels Federation Mr John Power today said the number of US tour groups visiting Ireland for the St Patrick’s Day festival is down by between 30 and 50 per cent.

"There is a lot of nervousness," said Mr Power. He said that the west and southwest were worst hit.

The number of US bands travelling over to the Dublin parade is also down to eight compared to 17 two years ago. Last year’s celebrations had to be postponed until May due to the Foot & Mouth outbreak.

US tourists are the country's highest-spending visitors as they stay an average of 10 nights and spend in the region of €750 per person.


The St Patrick's Festival organisers hope that more than 500,000 people will line the route for the Dublin parade.

They are billing the weekend party as the biggest-yet with 12 main events over the four days that will a total of 1.3 million people.

Additional reporting AFP

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins a contributor to The Irish Times based in Sydney