Use of HRT to prevent osteoporosis not recommended

Women have been advised by the Irish Medicines Board not to take hormone replacement therapy for the prevention of osteoporosis…

Women have been advised by the Irish Medicines Board not to take hormone replacement therapy for the prevention of osteoporosis.

Following an EU-wide review of HRT products by national regulatory authorities, it has been decided to alter the conditions under which they are licensed.

The move comes after two major studies into the risks and benefits of HRT revealed that the treatment was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and of cancer of the womb.

Both the Women's Health Institute Study and the UK Million Women Study showed that combined (oestrogen and progestogen) HRT caused a rise in the incidence of breast cancer.


The review said however that HRT could be used for the short-term treatment of menopausal symptoms but that women without menopausal symptoms would not benefit from HRT.