Vanunu 'wanted to avert new holocaust in Israel'

Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mr Mordechai Vanunu claimed today that he disclosed confidential details about the country's military…

Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mr Mordechai Vanunu claimed today that he disclosed confidential details about the country's military programme to save the nation from a "new holocaust".

In his first interview since he was released from prison last month, Mr Vanunu also maintained he had no regrets about his actions.  Speaking on the BBC2 This Worldprogramme to be broadcast tomorrow, the former nuclear technician said: "I felt it was not about betraying; it was about reporting.

"It was about saving Israel from a new holocaust.  "What I did was to inform the world what is going on in secret; I didn't come and say, we should destroy Israel, we should destroy Dimona.

"I said, look what they (Israel) have and make your judgment."  Mr Vanunu, who is now aged 50, spent 18 years in an Israeli prison for espionage and treason before his release on April 21st.


During his captivity he became an icon of the global anti-nuclear movement but he is regarded by some Israeli critics as a traitor.

On the consequences of his actions he told the programme, through an Israeli intermediary: "I have no regrets in spite of the fact I have paid a heavy punishment; a large price.

"I think it was worth it. I don't think it I deserved this punishment, but it is not only I that
should do it, everyone should do it."

Looking to the future, Mr Vanunu added: "I want to leave Israel; I'm not interested in living in Israel.

But Israeli Minister of Justice, and Deputy Prime Minister, Joseph Lapid, said: "We think he still knows secrets and we don't want him to sell them again. We think there are things he knows that he hasn't divulged yet. He may do so; he's hell-bent to harm this country, he hates this country."
Mr Vanunu gave The Sunday Timesinformation and photographs from Israel's top
secret Dimona nuclear reactor in 1986.

The newspaper published an extensive article that led experts to determine that Israel had a large arsenal of nuclear weapons.

  • This World Special: Israel's Nuclear Whistleblower will be broadcast on BBC2 tomorrow at 10.45pm.