Veterans' protest may cause split

London - A potentially damaging split emerged last night over the threat by some Gulf War veterans to hand back their medals …

London - A potentially damaging split emerged last night over the threat by some Gulf War veterans to hand back their medals to the Ministry of Defence. Mr Tony Flint, regional co-ordinator for the National Gulf Veterans and Families' Association, accused the MoD of "all talk and no action" over the misery faced by servicemen who fell ill after the war.

The veterans claim many have already died due to Gulf War Syndrome and say the government is not doing enough to help other former soldiers. He predicted "a lot of support" for the protest at the MoD in Whitehall on January 17th, the seventh anniversary of the outbreak of fighting. So far 68 veterans have agreed to take part along with some families of those who have died.

The Royal British Legion and Gulf Veterans' Association yesterday issued a statement distancing themselves from the dispute. They pledged their support for the Armed Forces Minister, Mr John Reid.