Video for court to be introduced

Video-conferencing - whereby prisoners can participate in cases without being present in court - is to be introduced in selected…

Video-conferencing - whereby prisoners can participate in cases without being present in court - is to be introduced in selected prisons and courts on a pilot basis from early next year at the latest.

The Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, said yesterday he would bring enabling legislation to Government soon.

He was speaking yesterday after receiving a report on the issue from a committee chaired by Mrs Justice Denham.

Video-conferencing will cut transport needs and save time, and also save considerable costs, according to the report.


Presenting the report to the Minister, Mrs Justice Denham said: "Courts, which use videoconferencing facilities are not only reducing costs, travel times and inconvenience to witnesses and defendants, but also they are literally extending the courtroom to another building, town, county or indeed continent."