Video puts not-quite newbies in the picture

This first title from a new Irish video training company consists of a video, an information poster and linked website.

This first title from a new Irish video training company consists of a video, an information poster and linked website.

TV presenter Cynthia Ni Murchu asks questions and Internet trainer Pat Seaver gives the answers. Together they take the new Internet user through the basics in a fairly clear if somewhat stilted fashion, without - in my view - enough screen grabs to show exactly what to expect.

The title indicates that this is not for the complete Internet virgin, but rather the new user who is currently blundering around in a bit of a fog.

The one-hour tape is broken down into segments. Topics covered include getting online, websites, search engines, email, practical Internet and so forth. Each segment begins with a question-and-answer session between the two presenters, followed by a useful review of the information given. There is a related site at


This viewer was not much impressed by the opening segment, but the further ones were more impressive. Initially, there appears to be some confusion about the best language in which to address an audience of not-quite-beginners. And better use could be made of the visual possibilities of a video presentation. That has to include a hit on the presentation budget to provide Cynthia with something less funereal to wear.

I look forward with interest to further - and slightly less staid - training videos from this team.