Visiting politicians to get protection

The Garda's armed security wing, the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), is being deployed to protect the senior political figures…

The Garda's armed security wing, the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), is being deployed to protect the senior political figures attending today's international conference in Ballsbridge.

A fleet of diplomatic cars which is due to transfer several national leaders and former leaders from Dublin Airport to the conference at the Four Seasons Hotel was given security checks yesterday at Garda headquarters. The cars will receive garda escorts for their journeys. The hotel itself will be under heavy guard.

The UN's Human Rights Commissioner, Ms Mary Robinson, is among the confirmed guests for a privately-organised summit in Dublin this week. The former Irish president is among some 50 delegates due to attend the 41st annual Salute to Excellence and International Achievement summit organised by the US charity, the Academy of Achievement.

Former US president, Mr Bill Clinton and Afghanistan's interim leader, Ms Hamid Karzai, are reported to be on the guest list for the event in Dublin. However, the summit's organisers were not available for comment yesterday. Mrs Robinson will attend the gathering next Friday and Saturday and is due to be presented with a gold plate in recognition of her achievements in the field of human rights. The academy invites 50 men and women of "exceptional accomplishment" every year to address US high school students.


It is understood that the organisers and Government have decided to keep the list of guest speakers quiet, possibly in order to avoid public protest.