War Briefing - Day 36

The Campaign:

The Campaign:

Three waves of Nato bombs attack Podgorica military airport in Montenegro ad hit Yugoslav Super Galeb warplanes, radar facilities, control towers, aircraft hangars and fuel dumps during sustained 12 hour assault; fourth attack midmorning shakes city, say residents; one civilian dies (first known such death in Montenegro) and three injured; other overnight attacks, according to Nato, include: Yugoslav forces in Kosovo, military headquarters in Belgrade, army barracks in Ruma, and petrol dump at Smederevo.

Tanjug, official Yugoslav news agency, says Nato warplanes attacked unspecified targets on Kosovska Mitrovica-Leposavic road, near Pristina; the Kombinat Feronikl metals plant near Glogovac, 30 kms west of Pristina, which employs 3,000 people; two bridges bombed at Ostruznica, on the Sava River near Belgrade; other bridges were hit near Nis, Serbia's Third city in the south near Kosovo; , Serb TV says bridge at Visoka village, Juzna Morava river at Grdelica, on Nis-Skopje raod; further attack reported on railway bridge at Grdelica Klisura, scene of accidental hit on passenger train earlier in war, railway station in Pozarevac also hit (Pozarevac is Milosevic home town and son Marko owns Madonna disco there, reputed largest in Balkans); four civilian deaths reported in Pristina, including three children.

Nato stops all flights over Albanian-Kosovo border at dusk amid speculation locally of imminent strike at Serb positions in Kosovo harrying KLA.


Britain sending more planes to the war, four Harrier ground-attack jets based in Italy and four Tornado bombers from Germany; RAF involvement now totals 28 planes.


President Yeltsin and Un Secretary-General Kofi Annan pledge to work together to find a diplomatic solution to the war; Yugoslavia ambassador to Russia, Borislav Milosevic, (brother of President Milosevic) says will accept civilian peacekeepers on Kosovo from non-aligned nations and Russia.

Russian envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin begins shuttle mission with visit to Bonn with Chancellor Schroder, reports progress but no breakthrough; Chernomyrdin head for Rome, Belgrade.

Yugoslavia sues Nato states, asks World Court to declare Nato campaign illegal.


About 5,000 more refugees arrive in Macedonia; 194,000 refugees now taken in by Macedonia; 30,708 airlifted out, 75,540 housed in camps, remainder staying with ethnic kin in Macedonian homes.

Macedonia interior minister Pavle Trajanov says UN "totally irresponsible" to seek construction of new camps.

In The Region:

Nato apologises for stray missile which hit suburban homes in Bulgarian capital Sofia, 40 miles over border from Yugoslavia; no one was hurt.

Journalists protest at Yugoslav embassy in Croatian capital Zagreb demanding release Antun Masle, top reporter for influential weekly Globus, arrested by Yugoslav army.

Pure coincidence:

A British hotel chosen to house up to 100 Kosovar refugees is less than 200 yards from a Serbian Orthodox Church in Leicester; "pure coincidence" blamed as police discuss concerns of 3,000 strong Serb Community.

Quote of the Day:

Is he bringing blankets and tent space? - UN High Commissioner for Refugees spokesman wondering why Hollywood star Richard Gere, in a chauffeur-driven car, visited Macedonian camps.