Warning of winter risk to elderly

More than 1,500 elderly people have suffered cold and lonely winter deaths in Northern Ireland since 2000

More than 1,500 elderly people have suffered cold and lonely winter deaths in Northern Ireland since 2000. The figures were published yesterday by the Help the Aged charity as it launched the first phase of a campaign aimed at raising awareness of the issue.

"It is a scandal, in a country as developed as Northern Ireland, that any older person should die cold and alone in the winter months," said Duane Farrell, head of policy, research and communications for the charity in the North.

"The message is still not getting through about the magnitude of the problem. Older people need to be given higher priority and be more effectively targeted by the government's fuel poverty initiatives."

Mr Farrell added: "All deaths, caused by whatever reason, are sad and often tragic, but deaths in winter are not only large in number but also often avoidable."


- (PA)