Warning that X case could be repeated

The proposed referendum could recreate the X case scenario, according to a leading social worker

The proposed referendum could recreate the X case scenario, according to a leading social worker. Mr Kieran McGrath, editor of The Irish Social Worker and a principal social worker with children, said in a statement he was concerned at how it might affect at-risk children in care.

"What are we to do if another pregnant suicidal teenager in State care wants to have her pregnancy terminated and the psychiatric evidence is that she will commit suicide unless it is terminated?" he asked. "I am concerned that if this referendum is passed, girls in the care of the State would be disadvantaged compared to those living with their families who could take them abroad for an abortion."

Such a child would have to be detained against her will in Ireland and forced to continue her pregnancy under the risk of her committing suicide.

In the C case, Mr Justice Geoghegan said he would only permit the district court to authorise travel for the girl where the abortion would be lawful under Irish law. If suicide was removed as justification for abortion under law, Mr McGrath said, it would no longer be lawful for health boards to act as they had in the C case.