Waterford ambulance drivers in industrial action

Industrial action by ambulance drivers at Waterford Regional Hospital began earler today.

Industrial action by ambulance drivers at Waterford Regional Hospital began earler today.

The drivers are refusing to undertake administrative duties such as recording patient numbers or response times becuase of what they claim is the poor condition of their base at the hospital.

In response to the action the South Eastern Health Board (SEHB) issued the following statement: "The provision of a new ambulance base in Waterford features in the National Development Plan for the South Eastern Health Board."

"A brief for the development of a new ambulance base has been prepared by the South Eastern Health Board and sent to the Department of Health. A decision is awaited on the approval to appoint a design team.


The SEHB understands the frustration of Waterford-based ambulance staff and has called on union representatives to refer the issue to the Labour Relations Commission."

The industrial action is not impacting on the provision of an ambulance service to the public. The action is focused on administrative duties," it said.