'We are facing 100 crucial days', says Cowen

LIMERICK: BRIAN COWEN has insisted there is no room for complacency among supporters of the Lisbon Treaty ahead of next month…

LIMERICK:BRIAN COWEN has insisted there is no room for complacency among supporters of the Lisbon Treaty ahead of next month's referendum.

He made his comments in Limerick at the weekend as he canvassed busy shoppers and traders at the city’s Milk Market. “We are facing 100 of the most crucial days that this country has faced in a very, very, long time, there are important decisions to be made and people are looking for us to proceed in a decisive way, and as I have said the first step is on October 2nd next.”

During his 90 minute canvass in the heart of Limerick shoppers were bemused to see the Taoiseach and his entourage in their midst sampling some of the local produce at the market. He shook dozens of hands but at all times the message was clear “Vote Yes to Lisbon”. Margaret O’Leary from Co Clare has no doubts about the importance of voting Yes. “I think we have to vote Yes to Lisbon. Oh my God that message has to go out there there is actually no two ways around it.”

Sarah Ryan from Oola in Co Limerick is less certain about the outcome. “I don’t know how it will go, I voted No last time and I might vote No again, but it is very good to meet him in the flesh and I think that is what he needs to be doing to get people to vote for him and Lisbon,” she said.


Speaking after his walkabout Mr Cowen said he was pleased with the reaction. “I am very heartened by the support there is for a Yes vote. Obviously the campaign is beginning and we have a lot more work to do, there is no room for complacency,” he said, adding that he will do everything he can to secure a yes vote on October 2nd.

“I am asking with all of the authority that my office commands the people of Ireland to look at the big picture, our destiny.

“Our whole strategic development is totally linked with the European Union and if we are to deal with the difficult tasks that do confront us as a people, both now and in the months and years ahead, Europe will be central in helping us through this difficult time.”

Mr Cowen is due to be questioned by the Oireachtas European Affairs Committee on Tuesday in the first of its meetings with the leaders of the main political parties on the treaty. The hearings aim to provide a platform for party leaders to set out their views and answer questions from TDs and Senators. Mr Cowen will be followed later in the month by the leaders of the other main parties.