Weapons seized in southern Serbia

Pristina - NATO-led peacekeepers in Kosovo have seized a truck packed with weapons bound for ethnic-Albanian rebels in southern…

Pristina - NATO-led peacekeepers in Kosovo have seized a truck packed with weapons bound for ethnic-Albanian rebels in southern Serbia, KFOR said yesterday.

It said the weapons were for the Liberation Army of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac (LAPMB), which has for months been fighting Belgrade troops in a buffer zone separating UN-adminstered Kosovo from the rest of Serbia.

The haul included "175 rocket-propelled grenades of various types, 43 40mm grenades, six miscellaneous grenades, an assortment of small arms ammunition, three rifles, two machine guns and other military uniforms". The driver of the truck had been arrested.

In a separate incident, KFOR reported a clash between Russian and US peacekeepers and the rebels, which it referred to as "armed extremists", along the boundary of the buffer zone. KFOR said one rebel was injured.