Weather could damage McDowell house, court told

Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell fears bad weather conditions may damage his Roscommon holiday home, the High Court heard today…

Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell fears bad weather conditions may damage his Roscommon holiday home, the High Court heard today.

Mr McDowell and his wife are suing Roscommon County Council because of its refusal to extend planning permission for their lakeside house in Rooskey.

Senior Counsel for Mr McDowell, Mr Michael Collins, said his client was anxious to
resolve the impasse as soon as possible. "The building is incomplete and is open to the elements at the moment," he said.

The house is close to completion but building work has been halted, pending the outcome of the High Court case.
Roscommon County Council refused to extend planning permission, which was originally granted in 1999, because the developers had constructed a house that  was significantly different from the original plans.


Mr McDowell is seeking a declaration that the council's actions were unlawful.
Mr Justice Quirke said he would give the legal representatives of Roscommon County Council a week to reply to Mr McDowell's 44-page affidavit. He added that he would give Mr McDowell's lawyers a further week to respond in turn.
Mr Justice Quirke set the date of the case for mention on November 11th.