Weather has put out 5,700 permit seekers

DRIVING TESTS: THOUSANDS OF learner drivers have had their tests cancelled due to weather in the last three weeks.

DRIVING TESTS:THOUSANDS OF learner drivers have had their tests cancelled due to weather in the last three weeks.

Some 5,700 tests have been lost at centres around the State since December 21st, the Road Safety Authority (RSA) has told The Irish Times.

As a result, the waiting time for tests has increased from six weeks in the middle of November to 10 weeks at present. Included in the number of lost tests are candidates whose tests may have been cancelled and rescheduled more than once.

However, the RSA is confident it will be able to make up for lost tests by offering weekend and evening testing times.


“We are very satisfied that we have the capacity to deal with them once the weather cleared,” Brian Farrell of the RSA said.

The RSA has the resources to offer overtime for testers so that tests can be scheduled for evening and weekends and are anxious to get testing candidates, he said.

Waiting times are based on demand and there are only so many tests that can be carried out at this time of year, he said.

He pointed out that it is much better than 18 months ago when there was a major backlog.

In April 2008, the average waiting time for a test was more than 14 weeks.

Tests have been cancelled on a varying basis across the State depending on conditions. However last Friday no tests were carried out, Mr Farrell said.

“Ordinarily, we would have to cope with weather location by location when it is icy on one morning in one part of the country, but it is unique to have the whole country affected by the loss of tests,” he said.

The main concern is for people who have been inconvenienced due to lost tests which a candidate may be anxious to sit in time for a job interview for example, he said.

Yesterday, all tests were cancelled at 12 centres with 15 more centres subject to partial cancellations. All candidates whose tests have been cancelled will be rescheduled free of charge, Mr Farrell said. The latest list of cancellations is at

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times