Web could serve to pop the question

If you're thinking of proposing marriage this Valentine's Day, you could do it in 21st century style - over the World Wide Web…

If you're thinking of proposing marriage this Valentine's Day, you could do it in 21st century style - over the World Wide Web. Visitors to Valentine 2000, a St Valentine's Day site at the Irish Times website, ireland.com, can pop the question through an interactive form.

The 100 best proposals will win a box of chocolates for the person being proposed to. Several proposals of marriage have already been published at the site. Valentine 2000 also features an interactive Love Letter Generator for the tongue-tied, a romantic message board, polls of favourite mushy movies and slushy songs, games, a collection of love poetry and a history of St Valentine and his day.

Web address: www.ireland.com/events/valentine