Wedding windfall

THE wedding season is upon us once again which is very good news for those for whom happiness is a new hat

THE wedding season is upon us once again which is very good news for those for whom happiness is a new hat. Good news was also recently delivered to one Irish couple who won't have to suffer the usual prenuptial referendums with the bank manager, if the latest urban myth doing the rounds is to be believed. Having booked Dromoland Castle for their big day, the pair had sent their invitations and primed all their elderly relatives as to its date and location.

Until they get a call from the folks at Dromoland who apologise profusely and inform them that the venue has in fact been double booked for the day in question. "Too bad" say the couple-to-be and explain the invitations have gone out. Compensation is offered, compensation is refused. Phone calls fly back and forth until eventually, the now rather harassed Dromoland representative asks them to name their price.

"Twenty-five grand and pay for the wedding" the pair suggest. Much to their surprise, the answer to their request is immediately granted and sure enough, a week later a cheque arrives in the post. The name on the cheque? Why that of footballer David Beckham of course, who, together with his fiancee, Victoria "Posh Spice" Addams, has decided that nothing but Dromoland will do.