Welcome from religious and survivors of abuse

The Bill establishing the commission on child abuse on a statutory basis has been welcomed by victims and religious orders

The Bill establishing the commission on child abuse on a statutory basis has been welcomed by victims and religious orders. Mr Michael Waters of Survivors of Child Abuse said: "It's everything we've been asking for. It looks as if what we've been saying has been listened to. It's very, very important we get to the truth."

Sister Mary-Jo Sheehy welcomed the publication of the Bill on behalf of the congregation of the Sisters of Mercy.

"It offers a safe environment for those who want to tell their stories, while also carrying out an investigation so that the truth can come out and there can be justice for everybody," she said.

"Our commitment is to co-operate fully in any way we can. In some ways we've been longing for this kind of forum. It can provide justice for everybody."


A spokesman for the Christian Brothers welcomed the Bill, but said they had not had an opportunity yet to study it. "The Christian Brothers would like to reiterate their view that the establishment of the commission provides an opportunity for all sides to have a proper hearing, and for a thorough examination of all the circumstances surrounding the institutions and State Departments under scrutiny," a statement said.