West rallies behind beleaguered Abbas

Western powers rallied behind Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after Hamas routed his forces in the Gaza Strip and began imposing…

Western powers rallied behind Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after Hamas routed his forces in the Gaza Strip and began imposing a new order in the enclave after days of bloody civil war.

Despite his mandate effectively being reduced to the West Bank, Mr Abbas named a new prime minister after firing the Hamas-led government and declaring a state of emergency.

The United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia - the Quartet of Middle East mediators - gave a "clear message of support" to Mr Abbas.

Washington, Europe and Israel prepared to open the taps on financial aid to Mr Abbas that was cut off a year ago when Iranian-backed Hamas used its popularity in impoverished Gaza to defeat his more secular Fatah in a parliamentary election.


Mr Abbas named Salam Fayyad, a technocrat who won respect in the West as finance minister, to replace Ismail Haniyeh as prime minister, three months after Hamas brought Fatah members into a "unity" government.

But in Gaza, all but divorced now from the larger West Bank in a blow to Palestinians' hopes for a united state, Hamas leader Haniyeh refused to accept his dismissal. He set about restoring order after six days of battles that ended in revenge killings and looting at MrAbbas's compound.

In the West Bank, Fatah militants torched Hamas offices and warned of more reprisals if comrades were harmed in Gaza.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and EU officials held an hour-long teleconference. "There was a clear message of support to President Abbas especially in this difficult time of forming an emergency government," an EU spokeswoman said in Brussels.

Meanwhile Hamas said it was in advanced negotiations on the release of BBC journalist Alan Johnston, whose March 12th abduction prompted a flight of foreign press from Gaza.

A little-known group, Army of Islam, has said it is holding the Mr Johnston.

Borders with Israel and Egypt along the 40-km (25-mile) strip of coast remained effectively sealed although dozens of Fatah fighters fled to Egypt aboard a fishing boat.