Wet and stormy weather on the way

Pack away the sunscreen and barbeques, say the forecasters, as bad weather is on the way.

Pack away the sunscreen and barbeques, say the forecasters, as bad weather is on the way.

Met Éireann tonight issued a weather warning with wet and windy conditions expected to move in across the country later tonight and tomorrow.

The west and the south of the country will suffer the worst of the conditions but heavy rainfall is forecast in most parts.

Up to 60mm of rain is forecast in Munster and Connacht while 30 to 50mm of rain is expected through Leinster and Ulster.


The forecaster said tomorrow would be a “wet day countrywide”.

Gale force winds are also forecast in coastal areas with winds expected to reach force six or higher tomorrow on coasts from Slyne Head to Rossan Point to Malin Head.

Southeast winds backing easterly will also reach force six or higher tomorrow on coasts from Malin Head to Wicklow Head to Mizen Head, it said.

AA Roadwatch advised motorists planning to travel to slow down and take extra care particularly during heavy downpours.

“If there is excess water on the road, drive through only if you know it’s not too deep for your car,” it said.

Met Éireann also said that conditions favouring the spread of potato blight would occur throughout the country for most of the coming week, with only limited opportunities for spraying.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times