What happens next?

The official Florida result announced yesterday will be contested before the state courts by the loser.

The official Florida result announced yesterday will be contested before the state courts by the loser.

The winner may also take legal action as a precautionary move against future court decisions. Mr Gore may address the nation.

December 1st: The US Supreme Court is to hear the Bush appeal against the Florida Supreme Court decision to allow hand recounts.

A decision is likely in the following week. It is not clear what will happen to a series of challenges in the Florida courts by Mr Gore.


December 12th: The 50 states select the 538 electors for the Electoral College, based on who won in each state.

December 18th: The Electoral College casts its votes. Whoever wins a majority (270) is the next President. Neither Mr Gore nor Gov Bush can reach this number without Florida's 25 electoral votes.

January 6th: Congress meets to formally count the Electoral College votes. Members of the House and Senate can challenge the results from a state.

If neither candidate is seen to have a majority of the College, the House votes, with one vote for each state's delegation. The Republicans would probably win this vote.

January 20th: The new President is inaugurated. If no new President has been elected at this stage, the Speaker of the House, Mr Dennis Hastert, fills the post on an acting basis.