What has been agreed

The following is the full text of the agreement reached between the ICTU and the Government:

The following is the full text of the agreement reached between the ICTU and the Government:

Process To Resolve Nurses' Dispute

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the Government have agreed that an independent person, Mr Kevin Duffy (deputy chairperson of the Labour Court) hold discussions with both sides to the dispute and recommend:

(A) An agenda of issues to be pursued, having regard to:


(i) the issues put forward by the Nursing Alliance;

(ii) the concern expressed by the Government's side in response, about the overall scale of the demands still being pursued by the Nursing Alliance, the implications of these demands for the wider Public Service and their concern that the Nursing Alliance should, as they have indicated, modify this agenda;

(iii) the implications of the agenda for the implementation of Partnership 2000 and the social partnership process; and

(iv) the matters already decided by the Labour Court.

(B) In which of the following formats the issues should be addressed:

(i) talks on issues arising from the Commission on Nursing which are not related to pay rates;

(ii) reference to the Labour Court of appropriate issues;

(iii) issues which could be dealt with in a post-P2000 setting.

The process will then proceed in line with the independent person's recommendations and any matters not agreed will be referred to the Labour Court.

The outcome of the process will be considered as appropriate by the parties to the P2000 pay agreement in accordance with the review and monitoring arrangements of Chapter 11 of the Programme.

21 October 1999