Where to send donations

The following is a list of Irish-based aid agencies collecting for the victims of the humanitarian disaster:

The following is a list of Irish-based aid agencies collecting for the victims of the humanitarian disaster:

Irish Red Cross:Has raised €1 million so far. Immediate focus on Sri Lanka. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has begun a worldwide appeal for €32.3 million. Donations to www.redcross.ieor 1850 50 70 70

Trócaire:Hopes to raise €2.3 million at Mass collections in four dioceses. Has already donated €500,000 to its Caritas partners in India and Sri Lanka. Donations online at www.trocaire.org or callsave 1850 408 408

Concern:Has donated €250,000, while a three-person team visited Tamil Nadu, one of India's worst-hit states, on Monday and Tuesday to make an initial assessment. A local partner has distributed 4,000 emergency kits in Chennai, capital of Tamil Nadu, with another 16,000 to be made available. Donations to www.concern.net or at 1850 410 510


GOAL:Had received €200,000 in donations by yesterday. Has team working in Nagabattinum, capital of Tamil Nadu, where it hopes to be feeding 10,000 families by the weekend. A GOAL team left Dublin yesterday for Colombo in Sri Lanka. Donations to www.goal.ie, or GOAL at PO Box 19, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin, or phone 01- 280 9779.

Bishops' Appeal Fund:Donations to Church of Ireland Bishops' Appeal, at Church of Ireland House, Rathmines, Dublin 6, or Church House, Donegall Street, Belfast 1.

UNICEF Ireland:Credit card donations can be made by calling 1850 767 999 or online at www.unicef.ie or by post to UNICEF, Freepost, 25 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1. Donations can also be made through UNICEF's AIB bank account, number 24070037, sort code 93-33-84.

Oxfam Ireland:To donate to the Asia Earthquake Floods appeal call lo-call 1890 60 60 65 or online at www.oxfamireland.org