Wind-generated electricity up by 70% last year

The amount of electricity generated by wind energy in the State rose by some 70 per cent in 2005, according to new figures.

The amount of electricity generated by wind energy in the State rose by some 70 per cent in 2005, according to new figures.

Sustainable Energy Ireland, the national energy agency, said the increase confirmed a trend that has seen the contribution of wind energy grow rapidly since 2004.

A wind turbine on the Viridian farm on the Arklow Bank
A wind turbine on the Viridian farm on the Arklow Bank

The capacity of windfarms in Ireland in 2004 was 339 megawatts (MW) and this had risen by 46 per cent to 496 MW by the end of last year. A further rise to 736 MW is expected by the end of the year, and the installed capacity of wind turbines in Ireland will have more than doubled by the end of 2006 compared with the end of 2004, the energy agency said.

SEI said electricity generated from renewables, in total, contributed 6.8 per cent to electricity supply last year, up from 5.2 per cent the previous year.


Last month, Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Noel Dempsey, increased Ireland's target for electricity generated through renewable sources from 13.2 per cent to 15 per cent by 2010.

David Taylor, chief executive of SEI welcomed the increased contribution from wind energy to electricity generation.

"With demand for energy in Ireland rising in recent years we have witnessed an increase in energy related CO2 emissions. However, each extra megawatt of wind capacity installed in Ireland contributes to security of supply on the island of Ireland and avoids on average, the release of 2,008 tonnes of CO2 per annum helping to combat the effects of climate change," he said.

"This underlines the economic and environmental importance of renewable energy and the need to ensure that its deployment continues to grow to meet our growing energy requirements and international obligations.

"It also demonstrates that through the concerted action of all market players, the targets set by the Minister are realistic and achievable."