Witnesses Bill is passed

THE Minister of State with special responsibility for the strategic management initiative in the public service, Ms Avril Doyle…

THE Minister of State with special responsibility for the strategic management initiative in the public service, Ms Avril Doyle, said the basic purpose of the Compellability, Privileges and Immunities of Witnesses Bill was to increase the capacity of Oireachtas committees to investigate areas of public concern.

"It is part of the Government's comprehensive programme of legislative reform under the strategic management initiative. Taken together with other legislation it is designed to modernise and streamline the operation of the public service, including the Houses of the Oireachtas."

Mr Michael Mulcahy (FF) claimed that journalists could be forced under the Bill to disclose their sources to committees. The losers, in such circumstances, would be the public who benefit led when responsible journalists brought important stories to light. House leader, Mr Maurice Manning, said he had a certain amount of sympathy for Mr Mulcahy's proposal. But he believed the Minister's proposals would prevent any draconian measures being taken against journalists protecting their sources where bonafide investigations were being carried out.

Mr Mulcahy's proposal was not put to a vote. The Bill was passed.