Woman collapses as son sentenced

The mother of a man jailed for two years for a stabbing offence collapsed in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court when sentence was …

The mother of a man jailed for two years for a stabbing offence collapsed in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court when sentence was pronounced by Judge Patrick McCartan.

She remained unconscious for more than five minutes before being resuscitated.

Brian Hooper (43), of Balcurris Road, Ballymun, Dublin, pleaded guilty to assault, causing serious harm to Mr Christopher Hyland at Coultry Road on July 11th, 1999. Mr Desmond Zaiden, prosecuting, said the stabbing happened as a result of Mr Hyland refusing to give back a hand drill and other tools he had borrowed from Hooper some time previously.

Mr Zaiden said the victim received two significant wounds to a leg and his chest and suffered a punctured lung in the incident. Mr Brendan Grehan, defending, noted evidence that Hooper had tried to help his victim bandage up the wounds before "legging it" when gardai were called.