Woman dies in factory fire

A furniture factory worker was killed yesterday when the premises in which she was working in Oldcastle, Co Meath, went on fire…

A furniture factory worker was killed yesterday when the premises in which she was working in Oldcastle, Co Meath, went on fire.

The 22-year-old local woman died in the blaze which broke out at the Gleneagle Woodcraft plant at Railway Yard at about 2.15 p.m.

She was noticed missing by staff who escaped after the alarm was raised. The body of the woman was recovered by fire fighters.

Her name was not released until relatives were informed.


It is believed the fire may have started through an electrical fault in a wood-drying machine in the plant where 65 people are employed in the manufacture of pine furniture. Several units of the fire brigades from Navan, Trim, Nobber, Kells and Oldcastle eventually brought the blaze under control.

The scene has been preserved by gardai for forensic examination, while the Health and Safety Authority is due to carry out a separate inquiry. No one else was injured in the blaze.