Woman offered stolen bag

A CHRONIC heroin addict who tried to sell a stolen handbag back to the owner has been jailed for five years

A CHRONIC heroin addict who tried to sell a stolen handbag back to the owner has been jailed for five years. Thomas Fitzsimons (23), had been passed the bag by a young boy who had snatched it from a woman motorist stopped at traffic lights. After taking £335 from the bag, Fitzsimons tried to sell the bag back to the owner for £30, which she refused to pay. Fitzsimons, of Ballybough House, Dublin, pleaded guilty to "attempting corruptly to take a sum of money" on August 10th, 1995.

Judge Cyril Kelly in the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court yesterday, heard that another woman had her finger broken when Fitzsimons attempted to snatch her bag on the same street on April 3rd, 1996. He was given an additional five year sentence after pleading guilty to this offence and a series of robberies and attempted robberies of shops and service stations on dates from January to April 1996. He had 17 previous convictions.

His defence counsel said he was now drug free after spending 10 months in prison. Judge Kelly said the court would review the case on July 22nd, 1998.