Woman on drug charges in Cork

A woman who was arrested after customs officers allegedly discovered cocaine hidden in a "beehive" hairstyle was brought before…

A woman who was arrested after customs officers allegedly discovered cocaine hidden in a "beehive" hairstyle was brought before court yesterday. Tonette Kehinde Andu (20), with an address at West Douglas, Chicago, US, was arrested at Cork airport on Monday.

Yesterday the woman was before Cork District Court to be formally charged with a number of counts relating to the importation of drugs. Gardaí charged her with one count of possession of drugs, and also with two counts of possession for sale or supply of drugs worth more than €13,000.

During evidence of arrest, charge and caution arresting garda Det Kieran Sheahan told the court that Ms Andu made no reply when formally charged.

Solicitor for the accused, Mr Edward Burke made an application for legal aid as Ms Andu was not working.


Insp Charles Barry told Judge Con O'Leary that the DPP had directed that the woman "be tried on indictment". He made an application for the woman to be remanded in custody.

The judge granted free legal aid and also remanded the woman in custody to appear before Court One of Cork District Court later today.