Woman on human trafficking charge

A human trafficking charge has been brought against a woman accused of running four brothels.

A human trafficking charge has been brought against a woman accused of running four brothels.

Charity Ajayioba (35), a failed Nigerian asylum seeker, who is of no fixed abode, had been remanded in custody in April after she was charged at Dublin District Court under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Sexual Offences Act for organising, directing and running a brothel, at Rathbraughan Park, in Sligo, on March 22nd, 2007.

She made her fourth court appearance today where Det Sgt Frank McGrath of the Garda National Immigration Bureau said the DPP had directed that seven further charges should be brought against her.

Six of them are under the Criminal Law Sexual Offences Act for keeping and organising brothels, at Rathbraughan Park, Temple Street and Connolly Street in Sligo and at Auburn Court, in Longford, in March 2007.


The seventh has been brought under Section 2 of the Illegal Immigrants Trafficking Act 2000 and alleges that Ms Ajayioba “organised for gain” the entry of a woman into the State, at Dublin Airport, on March 22nd, 2007.

Judge Miriam Malone heard that in her reply under caution to that allegation, the defendant told Det Sgt McGrath that the person named in the charge “was brought to this country as a minder.”

In replies to the other charges she claimed that she had been trafficked to Ireland to work as a prostitute in 2002 to pay off a €100,000 debt to a woman in Italy.

State solicitor Catherine Irvine told Judge Miriam Malone that the DPP had directed trial on indictment.

Det Sgt McGrath objected to bail saying he believed the defendant would not turn up for her trial. “I believe she will flee the country,” he said. She was of no fixed abode, had no means and had been in the State since nine years but has “no belongings”.

Defence solicitor Michael Kelleher said a man, described in court as a “pastor” was offering to act as an independent surety and to provide her with an address at Shangan Road, in Ballymun, in north Dublin.

Judge Malone refused bail and remanded the defendant, who remained silent during the proceedings, in custody for one week pending the preparation of a book of evidence.