Woman to admit hoax Ballymun baby call

A west Dublin woman is to plead guilty to making a hoax call during a frantic Garda search for a newborn baby boy in Ballymun…

A west Dublin woman is to plead guilty to making a hoax call during a frantic Garda search for a newborn baby boy in Ballymun flats, a court heard today.

Judge Des Hogan remanded Ms Ann Lynch (34) of Whitestown Avenue, Blanchardstown, on continuing bail at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to appear again on November 11th for arraignment.

Ms Lynch is charged with knowingly making a false report to gardaí "to give rise to apprehension for the safety of persons or property" on October 28th, 2003, contrary to Section 12 (a) of the Criminal Law Act.

She is also charged with making a telephone call "to cause annoyance, nuisance or needless anxiety which she knew to be false" on the same date contrary to Section 13 (1) of the Post Office (Amendment) Act.


Although prosecution counsel was not in court today, counsel for Ms Lynch, Ms Caroline Beggs said it was her client's intention to enter a plea of guilty to the two charges.

The charges relate to a three-day Garda operation in October last year when up to 50 officers and the Garda helicopter searched hundreds of flats in the Ballymun area.

An anonymous female caller had called Ballymun Garda Station to say that a newborn baby boy was left behind a sofa in one of the flats.