Wonderful wacky wind-up

PCCD-ROM minimum system requirements

PCCD-ROM minimum system requirements

486DX/33mhz 8MB RAM

11MB hard disk space

Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 CD-ROMdrive VGA. £24.99


TIP-UP trucks, Santas, time bombs, magicians and chickens it sounds like a bit of a wind up, really. In fact, it is and in more ways than one. Gearheads is a little bit like chess but with the addition of some pretty wacky wind up toys the idea is to try to get your toys across your opponent's game line.

Once you release a toy it's out of your control and once it's in play it can score a point for either player. First to reach the magic 21 points wins.

Each of the 12 toys has its own strengths and weaknesses so even choosing which toys to use is a fundamental and strategic part of the game.

Big Al (the truck) is strong and powerful but a bit on the slow side, while Dead Head (the skull) is erratic but will frighten opposing toys on to his side and Presto (the magician) does his disappearing act to confuse the enemy. All the other toys have similarly imaginative attributes and it's only when you get down to playing Gearheads seriously can you fathom the complexities of having all 12 toys battling it out on the screen at the same time.

For beginners, one or two in the toy box should be enough as this will give you the chance to find out what situation suits which toys. Each player can direct his or her toy army across the play field, and a wind up icon displays how wound up your toys actually are. If you try to release them too early they will run out of steam and fail to make it to the other side. Release them too late and the advantage lies with your opponent.

Gearheads is an unusual and original little game. Despite its frivolous attitude there is some strategic game play to be had. Although one may tire playing the computer, the two player mode can provide endless and chaotic fun. And in a world full of cloned games Gearheads is refreshingly different.

Graphics: 80%

Sound: 78%

Gameplay: 86%