Words of war; Words of peace

Quotations from the career of Yasser Arafat:

Quotations from the career of Yasser Arafat:

1968: Zionism is an embodiment of neo-Nazism... intellectual terrorism and racial exploitation.

1969: Our new generation is tired of waiting for something to happen. Isn't it better to die bringing down your enemy than to await a slow, miserable death rotting in a tent in the desert?

1972: The end of Israel is the goal of our struggle, and it allows for neither compromise nor mediation... We don't want peace. We want war, victory.


1974: To the UN General Assembly: I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hands.

1988 , Nov 15th: The Palestine National Council, in the name of God, and in the name of the Palestinian Arab people, proclaims the establishment of the state of Palestine on our Palestinian land, with Jerusalem as its capital.

1988, Dec 14th: (We accept) the right of all parties concerned with the Middle East conflict to exist in peace and security, including... the state of Palestine, Israel and other neighbours in accordance with (UN) Resolutions 242 and 338...

We totally and categorically reject all forms of terrorism.

1994: On historic homecoming to Gaza: I am very happy. My heart was overwhelmed by longing to see the homeland.

1995: On the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: I am very sad and very shocked for this awful and terrible crime against one of the brave leaders of Israel and the peacemakers.

1997: We say that there can be no peace without Jerusalem and no peace with (Jewish) settlements.

2004: On departing to France for medical treatment: God willing, I will come back. - (Reuters)