Car bomb in Somali capital kills at least seven

Islamist rebels blamed for Mogadishu blast that leaves 15 people wounded

Somalian soldiers secure a beach next to the the Indian Ocean in Barawe yesterday. Photograph: Feisal Omar/Reuters

Suspected Islamist rebels detonated a car bomb in front of a popular cafe in the Somali capital yesterday evening, killing at least seven people, police and the emergency services said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but the Islamist militant group al Shabaab has frequently set off bombs or launched gun attacks in Mogadishu. It promised more attacks after it lost control of a major coastal stronghold a week ago.

“We believe al Shabaab is behind the blast,” police officer Maj Nuur Farah said.

Ambulance co-ordinator Abdiqadir Abdirahman said 15 people were wounded had been taken to hospital.


– (Reuters)