Low turnout taints Kenyatta victory in Kenya election re-run

Pockets of violence continue with five confirmed deaths since voting began on Thursday

In the western city of Kisumu, police used tear gas and fired live rounds over the heads of stone-throwing youths. Photograph: Kabir Dhanji/EPA

Kenyan authorities said on Friday they would indefinitely delay further attempts to hold a repeat presidential election in some areas due to the risk of violence, as the opposition rejected the re-run as “a sham” and said the polls should be cancelled.

The east African nation had been due to hold elections on Saturday in four western counties, after residents blocked roads and clashed with police during an attempt to hold the polls there on Thursday. But those plans have been largely put on hold, the election board said.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga pulled out of the contest earlier this month, saying the contest against President Uhuru Kenyatta was not going to be fair. He urged supporters not to take part in the vote and polling stations were unable to open in his strongholds in the west of the country on Thursday.

In the rest of Kenya, most polling stations were able to open, but turnout was below 35 per cent and there were clashes in Nairobi slums and in the coastal city of Mombasa. Mr Kenyatta has won over 97 per cent of votes counted so far, according to a local media tally, but the poor turnout has damaged his second-term mandate.


Pockets of violence continued on Friday, with police saying they shot dead one man, bringing to five the number of confirmed deaths since voting began on Thursday. All were killed in the west of the country, which supports the opposition.

In the Nairobi slum of Kawangware, a witness saw nearly 100 youths armed with machetes in red T-shirts – the colour of the ruling party – as a group of opposition supporters clashed with police. A large fire burned nearby. “It’s only fire, everything is burned down, the fire is spreading more and more – my neighbours’ homes, businesses are all burnt,” said a tearful Rosalind Njeri (28).

The vote has exposed Kenya’s deep political and ethnic divisions as violence flares and court cases drag on. It is being closely watched as Kenya is a regional trade and logistics hub and powerful security ally for western nations.

Kisumu election officials, who have had to cower behind locked doors while the popping sounds of tear gas and live gunfire echoed nearby, said they were very relieved not to have to try to open polling stations.

“The [election board] officers in Nairobi were not taking consideration of our lives,” one said. “This is better.”

Musalia Mudavadi, a senior opposition leader, had earlier accused authorities of "ethnic profiling" and having "militarised elections" as they beef up security ahead of the plan to hold voting in Homa Bay, Kisumu, Migori and Siaya counties on Saturday. "We advise the people not to walk into this trap of death," he told reporters on Friday.

Kenya’s first election, in August, was annulled by the courts because of procedural irregularities, denying Mr Kenyatta a simple victory over his political rival. Turnout in that election was 80 per cent. If the expected legal challenges fail to clear a path out of the crisis, including a possible order for another re-run, the result will be a protracted and economically damaging political stalemate between the Kenyatta and Odinga camps.
